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Are polymer clay earrings heavy? How thick should they be

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Hello there, if you are here because you are thinking to buy a new pair of earrings or you may want to give it a try and make your own and you are wondering if polymer clay earrings are heavy or not, then you are at the right place.

In this article, we will answer the question Are polymer clay earrings heavy?.

We will discuss the weight of polymer clay earrings and talk about how thick the polymer clay earrings should be among other things related to that. We will also provide some tips on how to make them lighter if needed.

Polymer clay earrings are not typically very heavy, but there can be some variation depending on the design. For example, the size and the thickness but probably some polymer clay earrings may be heavier than others due to the use of metallic ornaments or other materials.

DescriptionWeight gramsSize in mmThickness in mm
1. Polymer clay earrings with resin2 522.8
2. Long polymer clay earrings4701.6
3. Polymer clay earring with charms3502.4
Pictures of the earrings are below

How thick should polymer clay earrings be?

There is no specific answer to this question since it depends on the design and style of the earrings. Some people may prefer thinner earrings while others might like them to be a bit thicker. Ultimately, it is up to the individual’s preference and whatever feels good and comfortable for your ears.

However, you will want your polymer clay earrings to be between 1.5mm to 3mm thick, this is the most common size used for the beads or the base of your polymer clay earrings. This thickness will allow your earrings to be light.

There are 2 ways on how you can control the thickness to your polymer clay earrings that are commonly use.

You can use thickness guides. Those are typically 2 flat bars with specified thickness, they come in a variety of sizes and materials. You can use those to make sure your earrings are always the same thickness.

How do you use thickness guides when working with polymer clay?

The first step is to knead your polymer, take the amount you want to use and start trying to form a ball with your hands. It may be a little hard sometimes in the beginning but as soon as the polymer clay warms in your hand it should be easier to work with it.

Put the polymer clay on your worktable. it is best to use a surface that can be easily cleaned such as a cutting board or a ceramic tile. You will also want to make sure that your work surface is dust-free and that there is no moisture on it. Wait if you clean your surface until is completely dry.
Be sure that your work surface is flat. in this way, your work will be even.

Use the roll pin to condition the clay. After you roll the pin on the clay then you can fold it in half then repeat this step as many times as you consider necessary. One way to know if the clay is in the right condition is when you don’t see any cracks around the edge. Another important thing to consider is to roll from the folded side to avoid an air trap.

Place your polymer clay between the thickness guides and roll the polymer clay while resting it on top of the thickness guides. keep rolling until the polymer clay is the same thickness as the thickness guides.
don’t forget to clean your roll pin after using it to avoid color mixed or dust on your next project.

As an alternative to thickness guides, some people use flat pop sticks that simulate the thickness guides or use cards if they want to have more thickness options.

The other way is to estimate the thickness by eye and then use a rolling pin to get an even thickness all around. This method is a bit less precise but still works well if you don’t have any guides handy.

If you want to know more on how to use polymer clay, you can click here

How to use a pasta machine when working with polymer clay?

Polymer clay earrings conditioned clay by pasta machine

If you’re looking for a more precise way to get an even thickness when working with polymer clay, a pasta machine can be a great tool to have. It is important to note that not all pasta machines are created equal, so you may want to do some research on the best one for your needs.

When working with a pasta machine

The first step is to condition the clay. For this method, you will need your tissue blade.
Start by cutting thin slices from the polymer clay, you can start working with 1 oz of material.

Put the pieces on top of the pasta machine. At this moment you will have several pieces all around.

Put all pieces together on top of each other and pass them through the pasta machine again.

Fold the clay and remember to start by the folded side first to avoid air bubbles. you can repeat this step as much as necessary.

Same as the conditioning with the roll pin, the way to know that polymer clay is ready is by not having cracks on the edges. even when you fold it.

Additional Tips for a pasta machine

The pasta machine has settings that go from 1 to 9 where 1 is the thicker and 9 is the thinnest.

I usually work my earrings in setting number 2, this setting gives me a thickness of about 2.5 mm.

I also use the setting number 9 for my ornaments, for example, flowers or small pieces like leaves.

In my personal experience cleaning the pasta machine can be hard and tedious. This is because polymer clay often gets stuck in the gears and rollers, and it can be difficult to remove.

To clean the machine properly, you may need to disassemble it and use a brush or other tool to get all of the clay out. This process can be time-consuming, but it is necessary to ensure that the machine works properly and doesn’t damage your clay.

But most of the time I use only wipes to clean the pasta machine but there are occasions when this easy method is not enough, then I use nail polish with cotton.

The main problem came when using dark colors of polymer clay.

Now you have an idea of how heavy the polymer clay earrings are and also some guidance on how to play with the thickness.

If you are thinking on getting one pasta machine, check this video for some helpful information

We’ve shared some tips on how to work with polymer clay, including how to use a pasta machine and how to condition the clay. We hope these tips will help you create beautiful pieces with ease.

Let us know if you have tried using a pasta machine before and what are your cleaning tips in the comments.

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