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How to harden polymer clay without oven?

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You can definitely try to harden polymer clay without oven, however, be advised that the results might not be as strong or long lasting as if it was oven hardened. Usually is better to follow manufactures instructions for best results and temperature is a key step in the correct curing process.

Most manufactures for polymer clay recommend to use oven for optimal results.

Now, if you really want to try to harden the polymer clay without the oven I found a couple of methods that may give you some results, but you have to be careful and use them at your own risk as results may vary or may not work at all for your project.

Use heat gun to harden the polymer clay

The first method is using a heat gun on high heat and blow drying the clay for several minutes until it feels hard. Keep in mind that if you are not very careful with this one, you can end up over heating the clay and ruin it.

It is going to be very hard to control the temperature and the heat needs to be even all over the clay, so a professional heat gun might be your best bet.

check this video below to have some idea.

Boiling water

The other method is to use boiling water and submerge the clay in it until it feels hard. This one takes a bit longer than the heat gun, but can be a good alternative if you don’t want to use an oven. Again, proceed with caution as this may not always result in strong hardened clay.

Bring the water to boil and let the clay sit in it for around 10 minutes or until you feel that is enough. Take out immediately and let it cool down.

Ready to go!

There you have it, two very simple methods to try to harden your polymer clay without oven. But remember, if possible, use an oven as the best practice when working with polymer clay. Good luck and happy crafting!

Final Note: Please bear in mind that the results of these methods may vary, so use them at your own risk. Also, follow the manufactures instructions whenever possible for best results. Happy Crafting!

I also don’t not recommend trying those methods if you want to give or sell whatever you are creating. It may break very easy because the bond on the polymer clay was not optimal.

Alternative to conventional oven

So, if you don’t have a conventional oven, you can also use a toaster oven. They are usually small and not as expensive, and they work just fine. So it might be a good option when crafting with polymer clay. Just remember to follow manufacturer’s instructions for best results! Happy Crafting!

You can find ovens in amazon here. Also you can get an oven thermometer here.

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